
Protecting biodiversity along the Swedish seabed

Using satellite imagery with AI, the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten can now continuously analyze the coastal seabed with an effective and scalable solution.


County Administrative Board of Västerbotten

Client: County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) of Västerbotten, financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Region: Sweden
Industry: Public Sector
Offer: Data & AI

About the County Administrative Board and their goals

The County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen in Swedish) is the state authority responsible for sustainable development. It balances the environment, economic growth, and a stable job market thus leading to the well-being of residents.

The County Administrative Board is helping the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management to map Sweden's coastal seabed. The goal is to monitor changes in the environment caused by factors like climate, emissions, and human impact.

County Administrative Board of Västerbotten

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Challenges in coastal seabed monitoring

Leveraging expertise and specialized tools to efficiently map the seabed

Benefits of the new solution

Accuracy: The model's accuracy was very promising on training and validation data, with an Intersection over Union (IoU) metric score of greater than 0.98, with 1 indicating a perfect overlap between the predicted and ground truth regions in an image.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: By utilizing satellite-based data and AI models, it’s evident that this method is more accurate for frequent seabed mapping, enabling continuous monitoring and evidence-based decision-making.

Increased Mapping Frequency: By utilizing satellite data, it is possible to map Sweden's coasts more frequently, even monthly, instead of annually or less often. This increased frequency provides more up-to-date and accurate data.

Cost Reduction: Utilizing this method, the County Administrative Board has the potential to reduce the costs associated with traditional monitoring methods, such as drones, boats, and divers.

Identify Damages and Changes: By using methods based on satellite monitoring, damages and changes to the coastal environment can be quickly identified, especially in crucial ecosystems such as eelgrass. This information helps to take timely and effective measures to address changes.

While this project has provided valuable short-term insights, it has the potential of a long-term impact of establishing a sustainable and practical solution for continuous coastal seabed monitoring. This will ensure the well-being of the environment and the people living in coastal regions.

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