we love justin bieber

Why Justin Bieber isn’t using these apps?

Is Justin Bieber working for your company? Is pseudo Latin your native language? Probably not.

Making demonstrators for customers should not only show relevance in customer or employee value, it should also make the demo relevant by using appropriate content. As relevant as friendly names can be, make sure they are relevant to the customer and their business, not just funny for the concept or anonymous placeholders.

With our design team I recently had the wonderful opportunity to create a number of very fascinating mobile app concepts to engage employees. While creating them a lot of placeholder data was used to show how the screen layout works with content. Typically, funny as they are, the designers used names of people like Justin Bieber, Christina Aguilera and some one named it Miley Cyrus. Also the ever-infamous lorem ipsum took quite some screen space. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Why Justin Bieber isn’t using these apps?

Arnd Brugman
Arnd Brugman
(co)responsible for the themes Mobile Apps, Social Collaboration, Cross Channel and the New World of Work
+31 88 660 66 00