TECHFLIX Episode on-demand

Continuous Testing Report 2020: What you need to know

Continuous Testing Report 2020: What you need to know

Episode: Continuous Testing Report 2020: What you need to know

Length: 45 min (30 min presentation, 15 min Q&A)

The Continuous Testing Report (CTR) 2020 brings together survey data and the opinions of subject matter experts from Sogeti, Capgemini and Broadcom to explore the ever-changing landscape of testing at every stage of the software development lifecycle.

This is the second year of our joint survey. To gauge the climate, we researched the opinions of almost 500 senior decision-makers in large and enterprise-level organizations in North America and Europe.

In this session, we will discuss how companies are transitioning from automating functional testing to positioning quality and automation at the very heart of the development lifecycle.

We will share key actionable findings around shift left, test orchestration, test environment, shift right, and how teams are getting organized.



Our expert:

Antoine Aymer
Antoine Aymer
CTO for Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti

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