woman using phone

Augmented reality app reduces day rate, saving time and money

Sogeti provides Camelot UK with the assurance to trial new augmented reality Scratchcard campaign.


Camelot UK was looking for a new way to attract more people to engage with its brand by making its games more interactive and fun to play. It decided to look for a digital, cross-channel solution and chose to trial Blippar – an augmented reality app which customers can download on their phone to bring products to life, in this case, a £2 Christmas Cash Scratchcard. due to the need to meet the deadline for the commercial campaign, time was restricted and Camelot Global was constrained by the number of internal resources. Sogeti has been Camelot’s preferred test supplier due to our international presence, availability of Sogeti Studio, as well as its on and offshore capabilities, so they were first consideration to take on the project. Sogeti Studio – Sogeti’s on-demand, UK based web and mobile testing lab was the ideal solution.


The Sogeti Studio team worked closely with both Camelot UK and Blippar to complete the project, starting with the creation of a number of User Stories and a project brief. From here, UAT test coverage was defined by Sogeti in collaboration with the other parties. Sogeti Studio was tasked with testing the functionality associated with player experience and flow. Testing and any resulting bug-fix/upgrades were performed on a Live environment and defect management was closely managed by the Sogeti Studio Test Manager. Sogeti was able to scale testing up and down and Camelot UK was impressed with the flexibility it saw. Sogeti delivered the project within just three weeks, testing across a range of mobile devices and using a flexible resourcing model. The subsequent campaign was successful, which has increased appetite within Camelot UK to run similar projects in the future.


Camelot UK saved money by using Sogeti Studio due to the lower day rate. They also saved money by being able to down tools and pick them up again at points when they were waiting on Blippar to hand over. Time was saved in terms of not having to recruit more in-house resources too. Strategically, the success of this project has opened Camelot UK’s commercial team up to using Blippar and other similar strategies again in the future in order to encourage further engagement with the brand. Blippar has allowed Camelot UK to capture valuable data about its players and their habits which they can use to generate further interaction and sales with its audience.

Throughout the campaign, Camelot UK received 120,580 unique Blipps, with positive qualitative feedback from its players. The blippable Christmas Cash Scratchcards accounted for around a third of all £2 scratchcard sales and the index was a very good 111%.

About Camelot UK

Camelot UK has been the licensed operator of the UK National Lottery, for the last 20 years. Camelot UK has run one of the world’s most successful lotteries which now typically returns more than £33 million each week to National Lottery Good Causes, transforming the lives of people and communities throughout the UK.

Camelot UK offers a wide range of regularly refreshed draw-based and instant play games across a number of channels – players are able to buy tickets in-store, online or on mobile devices. As a responsible operator, Camelot UK is also charged with a duty of care to its players and winners, and with maintaining public trust and confidence in The National Lottery.