
Smarter Computing

How IBM Smarter Computing technologies enabled a  leading global IT service provider to address emerging  business needs

The pace of change in today’s IT environment is accelerating due to constant technology updates. Further, consumer expectations of IT are much higher than even just a decade ago, as evidenced by the speed of the user adoption cycle. Consumers expect economical access to IT services, available at any place, any time and on any device—without any compromise in the security and integrity of their information.

These challenges are fueled by recent transformational technologies such as social media, mobility and cloud computing that drive enterprises to reshape the way they interact with their end customers. This change is no longer an option, but rather a fundamental driver of business competitiveness as employees with anytime access to IT services ultimately become more productive. In response to these changes, enterprises are rethinking their IT functions and architecture to address emerging customer needs. For example, in a recent survey, 60 percent of CIOs ranked cloud computing as a high priority and 83 percent ranked business intelligence and analytics as a high priority in their visionary plans. They also estimated that 80 percent of new apps will be distributed or deployed through the cloud in the next 10 years.

Businesses are also looking for ways to speed time-to-market, improve efficiency and unlock the power of big data to deliver more actionable insight while securing critical information.

This case study defines Smarter Computing and shows how Sogeti, a leading service provider with over 100 locations in Europe, the US and India, uses IBM Smarter Computing technologies to address today’s IT requirements.

  • Philippe Duranté
    Philippe Duranté
    Global Leader IBM Alliance
    +33 1 55 00 15 01
Full case study