
Modern website becomes attractive social meeting point for locals, tourists and businesses

Sogeti develops a responsive website for Vadstena.


The client wanted a happier, more fun and appealing website that is easy to use for both visitors and editors. Creative, Confidential and Charming were the watchwords of Vadstena for this new modernized Website. It was also a digital step towards strengthening the brand itself.


Vadstena Municipality's new website has the vision to serve business people, tourists and people who want to move to Vadstena. This is also reflected in the design, with three distinct interfaces for these target groups. A simple structure and an effective search engine makes it easier for visitors to find the information they seek. Visitors will also be invited to express their views through fun forms, which are easily placed by the editor of those pages. Simplicity for both visitors and editors was one of the main guiding principles for

For visitors, this is achieved through a consistent structure, design and efficient search function. For editors it was powered by the choice of EPiServer 7 CMS. It is easy for the editor to build pages with varied content, with few flexible templates and surfaces for different content blocks. For example, blocks exist for displaying the news lists, contacts, calendar of events and a map of the current location. The simplicity facilitates and encourages editors to write for the web, resulting in a more vibrant website. 


The website is suitable for different formats of the screens and functions in mobile as well as normal computers. The design is also future ready to enable two-way communication with visitors via various tools such as social media and forms. An important goal of the website is to attract people to move to the municipality. Therefore, the site is alive with lots of pictures and Image Vault 4, which is well integrated with EPiServer, is used to manage images as well as to build up an image database. To attract business and foreign labor, there is a function to quickly translate the site's pages into several languages. The whole site is adapted to accessibility according to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

To compare our old site with that Sogeti has developed is like night and day. We now have a modern, welcoming portal where it is easy for visitors to find the right information” says Sofia Löf, Communications Officer at Vadstena. Vadstena Municipality's new website is in the forefront in design & technology, thereby creating the opportunity to grow into a social meeting point for both local residents, business people, tourists and people who want to move to Vadstena.

  • Therese Sinter
    Therese Sinter
    Marketing & Communications Director, Nordics
    +46 70 361 46 21

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About Vadstena

Vadstena is a locality and the seat of Vadstena Municipality, Östergötland County, Sweden. Vadstena attracts about half a million tourists every year and has 7400 inhabitants. While many of those are working in creative professions, Vadstena is also an industrial city.